Wind Energy Fact Sheets
In 2012 wind energy in Ireland accounted for 15.5% of our electricity needs. With wind energy being a major contributor to the power system here in Ireland it is natural for people to ask questions about the facts surrounding the sector. IWEA as the industry voice is committed to ensuring that the Irish public have the most up-to-date factual information on wind energy. Below you will see links to Wind Fact Sheets. We hope will be a valuable resource for the wind industry and public alike.
IPSOS MRBI POLL RESULTS INFOGRAPHIC 2013 – Irish public overwhelmingly support wind power.
IPSOS/MRBI POLL RESULTS INFOGRAPHIC 2013 – Irish public overwhelmingly support wind power.
Size : 649 KB Added : 04/11/2013
Wind Energy in Ireland Statistics
Wind Energy in Ireland Statistics
Size : 533 KB Added : 27/03/2013